under the shadows of a forest
heavy with somber and lazy contemplation,
seeds of blood, whose hue is violent
palpitating delirium
trail behind me.
when suddenly —
i collapse onto the ground.
my arms stretch deeply into the soil
warm earth crawls from my fingernails,
to my shoulders.
my mouth now…grazing the earth in humility
imbued with marrow,
saliva —
twirling in my blood.
this body as an emblem of surrender and clemency,
i am incarnate
to the Earth
and a scarceness divine.
aroused by
our porous conversations,
i look up to the moons afterglow and
i raise my hind legs
in position
to devour and
i am running towards you
even in the burrows of this soil
i am running towards you
anticipation bubbling on my snout.
my heart jolts to your screaming,
aching howl,
coming closer to me, to us